Viewing as Text: Theorizing Visual Literacies in Introduction to Gender and Women’s Studies


  • Carrie Hart University of North Carolina Greensboro


Visual literacies, transnational feminism, feminist pedagogy


This paper examines the critical role that visual literacies often play in the introductory course to Gender and Women’s Studies. Drawing on transnational feminist scholarship, the author argues that theorizing visual literacies can provide a valuable entry point into considering the material and ideological stakes of feminist knowledge production.

Cet article examine le rôle critique que joue souvent les compétences médiatiques dans le cours d’introduction aux Études sur le genre et les femmes. En s’appuyant sur des recherches féministes transnationales, l’auteure soutient que la théorisation des compétences médiatiques peut fournir un point d’entrée précieux pour aborder le contenu et les enjeux idéologiques de la production du savoir féministe.


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Author Biography

Carrie Hart, University of North Carolina Greensboro

Carrie Hart earned a PhD in Educational & Cultural Studies at the University of North Carolina Greensboro. Her research interests include transnational feminisms, queer theory, and the role of creativity in anti-oppressive education. She can be reached at


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37.2 - Belaboured Introductions